tushar pandey

I am a CSE undergrad at BMSIT&M, Bangalore, batch of 2022. I live in Bangalore, India. I like to work with TS, JS and it's various frameworks. Python is my 2nd language of choice. This website shows my contact details, past experience along with some of the projects that I have worked on.

A link shortening microservice deployed on AWS elastic beanstalk using Github actions CI. It uses MongoDB as document store and Redis as caching layer.
A workout assistant that counts the reps of various workouts in realtime using pose-estimation. A convolutional neural network is trained on pose data of selected workouts in their respective end-states. It is used to classify pose data from live web...
An interactive visualisation for using Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path between stations in the London underground. Made using HTML5, CSS for frontend and a Flask server written in Python for backend.
A clean, opinionated NodeJS server boilerplate that uses ExpressJS as server backend, MongoDB as document store and Redis as session store. Features Three-layer architecture, extensive logging capabilities, multi-agent authentication support, sim...
Worked on the titanic dataset to predict survival of passengers. Employed data cleaning, pre-processing, imputation, feature engineering and vizualization on the standard titanic dataset availiable on Kaggle and predicted the survival of female passe...
An interactive tool to easily convert digital text into handwriting by using the HTML canvas element. The project was made using ReactJS. Used React Hooks for state management and component lifecycle management.

I am a CSE undergrad at BMSIT&M, Bangalore, batch of 2022. I live in Bangalore, India. I like to work with TS, JS and it's various frameworks. Python is my 2nd language of choice. This website shows my contact details, past experience along with some of the projects that I have worked on.

A link shortening microservice deployed on AWS elastic beanstalk using Github actions CI. It uses MongoDB as document store and Redis as caching layer.
A workout assistant that counts the reps of various workouts in realtime using pose-estimation. A convolutional neural network is trained on pose data of selected workouts in their respective end-states. It is used to classify pose data from live web...
An interactive visualisation for using Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path between stations in the London underground. Made using HTML5, CSS for frontend and a Flask server written in Python for backend.
A clean, opinionated NodeJS server boilerplate that uses ExpressJS as server backend, MongoDB as document store and Redis as session store. Features Three-layer architecture, extensive logging capabilities, multi-agent authentication support, sim...
Worked on the titanic dataset to predict survival of passengers. Employed data cleaning, pre-processing, imputation, feature engineering and vizualization on the standard titanic dataset availiable on Kaggle and predicted the survival of female passe...
An interactive tool to easily convert digital text into handwriting by using the HTML canvas element. The project was made using ReactJS. Used React Hooks for state management and component lifecycle management.

I am a CSE undergrad at BMSIT&M, Bangalore, batch of 2022. I live in Bangalore, India. I like to work with TS, JS and it's various frameworks. Python is my 2nd language of choice. This website shows my contact details, past experience along with some of the projects that I have worked on.

A link shortening microservice deployed on AWS elastic beanstalk using Github actions CI. It uses MongoDB as document store and Redis as caching layer.
A workout assistant that counts the reps of various workouts in realtime using pose-estimation. A convolutional neural network is trained on pose data of selected workouts in their respective end-states. It is used to classify pose data from live web...
An interactive visualisation for using Dijkstra's algorithm to find the shortest path between stations in the London underground. Made using HTML5, CSS for frontend and a Flask server written in Python for backend.
A clean, opinionated NodeJS server boilerplate that uses ExpressJS as server backend, MongoDB as document store and Redis as session store. Features Three-layer architecture, extensive logging capabilities, multi-agent authentication support, sim...
Worked on the titanic dataset to predict survival of passengers. Employed data cleaning, pre-processing, imputation, feature engineering and vizualization on the standard titanic dataset availiable on Kaggle and predicted the survival of female passe...
An interactive tool to easily convert digital text into handwriting by using the HTML canvas element. The project was made using ReactJS. Used React Hooks for state management and component lifecycle management.